Karim Damji
2 min readFeb 5, 2021


Poverty is a huge problem in society. Recent estimates for global poverty are that 9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, live in extreme poverty on $1.90 or less a day, according to the World Bank. This is a big problem that needs to be fixed soon.

Have you ever saw a homeless person on the street. You probably have but it's rare right? Well in Canada a total of 3.4 million Canadians, representing 9.5 percent of the population, lived in poverty in 2019. Well, 9.5 percent might be a small number but this is not the number in all countries. In a developing country like Africa 422 million people live in extreme poverty. Almost half of Africa lives in poverty.

Just close your eyes for a bit and imagine if only 100 people live on the plate of earth. 66% would not afford health care 9% will not have access to safe drinkable water. 14 percent will not have access to any toilets. 22% will have no roof over their head. 1% will be dying because of starvation 11% will be undernourished. 14% would not know how to read or write and only 7% could go to college or university. 53% have no access to wifi. This is all because they simply can not afford these things. Do you think this is right?

Around the world, healthcare is not free for everybody. Millions of people can not afford healthcare when they need it the most. In Africa, healthcare is not up to the mark. If you get cancer in Africa it's only a 3% chance of living because of poor quality. But here in North America, it's a 60% chance of living and it's FREE here. We all have the right to equal access to healthcare.

Every day you probably don't have to worry about putting food on the table. Or If your too lazy to cook like my mom you just go and eat outright. Not for everybody. People can barely afford McDonald's food. Every day 25,000 people die globally related to hunger. Have you ever experienced hunger and if you have you can just Uber Eats. For these people, it's a miracle to eat all breakfast lunch and dinner in a day.

You probably go to school and learn and come home and complain how you and giving you too much homework. Well for kids living in developing countries want homework. Most people can't even read in Africa this means they can't get a job. This makes it difficult to even get a simple job like a cashier. People who did not go to school either don't have a job and live on the streets or get a minimum wage which is 1 dollar in developing countries. Can you imagine living on a dollar a day?

In conclusion, poverty is a huge problem in today's society. This problem needs to be fixed so do your part and donate to local charities. Remember you are living a person's dream so don't complain.

